Since Time immemorial
Spring time peyote blossom
Walking on Sacred Land
The morning is cool from last night’s rain.
Everything is lush green and smells clean.
I start walking and praying.
There are Cinco Venados standing in a nearby clearing,
they stay in place and watch me as I walk past them.
I thank them for sharing their grace with me.
The pain from my broken knees starts to ease up as I walk further
along my ancestors' path, I am now surrounded by our sacred medicine.
I take a turn on the path, and now I am facing East; I look up thru
the Mesquite trees, and I see a beautiful Cielo Azul as a Red Tail Hawk
flies across it, and now I hear our Ancestors singing Palabras de Dios
into my ears straight into my heart.
My senses are overloaded by so much beauty; all I can do is CRY.
This is why I believe Creator did not give our people the “Word” so that
we can learn how to love; Creator gave our people the "Heart" so that we could feel love.
Ted Herrera
Tlaxcalteca, Chichimeca, Coahuilteco, Huichol